Friday, September 30, 2011

ASK...Learning Commanment 2

(what is ASK? visit here) 

 We learned Commandment 2 at ASK this week; Don't make Idols.

We talked about idols being anything we put before God. 
God is jealous for all our attention and He wants to be our hero!!
We made these cute signs to hang on our fridge all week.
 We also made some examples of Idols with play dough; sports, tv, obtaining wealth, people. 

 I took a picture of our idol examples and made a picture puzzle using popsicle sticks (detailed instructions on how to make this simple craft here).

Later in the week, I mailed each of little ones their puzzle with a little love note. I send my little mustard seeds something in the mail each week and moms have said they are thrilled to receive their very OWN mail.

This commandment really hit home with me and made me evaluate what or who I am putting on the throne of my heart. I think it's easy to let things distract us from giving God glory and allowing Him to rule in our hearts.
He is jealous for me...and you!! So thankful this week for the reminder ;) 
Onto Commandment 3....

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