Monday, January 25, 2010

She's watching me...

Not only is she watching me, but she imitates me. She puts makeup on her cheeks, uses anything that looks like a cell phone and pretends she is talking to someone, tells her babies "do you hear me??"...oops I probably shouldn't say that in my frustration to her.

In reading Proverbs this morning I came across a scripture that I am sure I have read countless times but honestly it made me do a double take.

Proverbs 23:26
“O my son/daugher, give me your heart.
May your eyes take delight in following my ways.

She's watching me. She's watching what I do, what I say, how I treat Chris, if I read my bible, she even knows that my daily routine involves coffee (coppee as she calls it).

I wonder if my daily routine is showing her how to be a woman after God’s heart. Does she see the importance of a daily quiet time, a kind word to a friend, a prayer for my husband.

Hmm…He’s still working on me ; how precious her little heart is, what a task He has set before me to teach her the ways. (Deuteronomy 6)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weekend Fun!

Just a couple pics of us decorating cookies
 our first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese with Cooper & Ellery.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Word to the Wise..

This morning Kaitlyn & I had to go grocery shopping and she wanted to take her stroller and baby along. I thought...this might actually be fun.

Well, word to the wise, we knocked over a can display, ran into an old lady that yelled at us and Kaitlyn threw a fit in one of the aisles so I was holding her while pushing my shopping basket and the stroller.

Whew! I need a nap!
Happy Friday!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I think I found it!

I am still working at decorating the house we bought..oh just about a year ago! Ha!I  have been looking for something to hang on this huge cove in our living room. obsession back in August.

Well, I found this clock in a high-end furniture store and searched for it online and found it for $150 cheaper and $5 shipping! Whoo-hoo!! I still might put something on the far left side, but I think we are on our way.

Any decorating ideas are welcome!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fruit of The Spirit Tree...

At the Beth Moore conference my friend Wynne and I attended, something was said that just really ministered to me. In one of the prayers, someone said "may the fruits of the spirit be evident in my everyday rhythms of life."

I just loved it, that IS my heart's desire!! I am hoping to do Beth's Fruit of the Spirit study this summer, but wanted to go ahead and start learning now. I got this idea from a Christian website I read and just added a bit to it. Here is our Fruit of the Spirit Tree I put up in the laundry room.

What is it? Fruits that I cut out, labeled with attributes of "living in the spirit", and laminated. The tree came from Mardell's and was in the back with all of the school and craft supplies.

For right now, Kaitlyn and I are using it to learn our colors and fruits. Soon, I want to start introducing a fruit for us to learn. Since our scripture verse this month is "The joy of the Lord is my strength" we are learning about joy.

Eventually when she is able to comprehend, I want to use this as a rewards/discipline tool. When Kaitlyn does something that is loving or joyful-she will get to put a fruit on the tree. And...when she doesn't do something that is loving or joyful, she will have to take a fruit down.

My heart aches for Kaitlyn to someday have a relationship with My Savior, so the more that I can instill in her now, the better :)

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Need A Reminder?

You are worth it!

He says "You are precious and honored in my sight" (Isaiah 43:4)

Just needed to be reminded today that when I have feelings that I am ignored, invisible, insignificant, useless, undesired, unloved, or forgotten - that I'm worth it because of grace.

Because of love, I am His daughter, precious in His sight.

Lord, help me to see myself as you see me. Help me to thrive in Your beauty. Remind me that your word says "I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands" (Isaiah 49:15-16)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Making Investments..

I am trying hard this year to make eternal investments in my family.

I have asked a few friends (and now ask you) to join me in teaching scriptures to our "little hearts" this year. Our verse for January is Nehemiah 8:10 "The Joy of the Lord is My Strength"

She has already picked up quick! We smile and point to our cheeks when we say "joy" and make our muscles flex when we say "strength". It's pretty cute to watch her!

We mommy's are putting our verse on the fridge to remind us that our little ones are sponge's! They are soaking in all that is around them; and as for me and my house, we are going to learn about the goodness of our Savior! I would love if you would join us!

So far we have Feb and March lined out.

Feb -Create in me a clean heart Psalm 51:10 (thought we could have fun with this one since hearts are so prevalent during Feb for Valentines)

March- Make a joyful noise unto the Lord Psalm 98:4 (get out the pots and pans and let her bang away!!!)

I can't figure out how to attach the word document I made that has the scriptures typed in cute wording for your fridge, so if you want it e-mail me

Here is another little something I am working on for Kailtyn and I to learn all year. I am not quite finished working out all the details, but can't wait to share with you so you can join along with me.
Happy Friday!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wonder What Noah's Wife Thought...

Thank goodness my husband has a vision for our family. He is a planner, a goal-setter, a Budget Master. New Year's Eve night he spent recapping the financial decisions we made in 09 and how things would be different for 2010. I just sort of smiled and nodded as he picked apart every possible money spending issue that we would come across in the next year. When he starts talking numbers and terms like Roth and Principal my head just starts swimming; and so I wondered what Noah's wife thought.

I bet her husband was like mine in that he liked numbers. He was probably an engineer like my hubbie as God knew he was up for the task of following every angle and position of each piece of wood that would construct the ark. Noah had vision and I wondered if his wife just smiled and nodded as he talked of things to come.

I wonder what type of attitude she had. Losing counts of the days, weeks, and months of rain & water and animals & their filth. What had her husband gotten them into! Yet, she stood at his side and her family was gently guided through the raging water to dry land.

Scripture has been coming alive to me lately and I think it's because I try to put myself in the situation. Put yourself in the place of Noah's Wife. Replace your designer jeans and sweater for a robe and sandals. You've been assisting your husband in what he promises is instruction from the Lord. You've been cooped up in this boat so much that it is starting to annoy you. The only thing in sight is water...and more water.

I wonder if she still continued to smile and nod or if her frustration was evident in her attitude, her tone of voice, and the way she treated her family. Lord knows when the wifey ain't happy..nobody's happy!

Noah had a vision, he had a future. My hubbie has a vision and a future for our family and thank goodness it doesn't involve animals or their filth!

Thank you Lord for your promised of a future. Thank you that you have cast vision and determination in my husband's heart. Thank you that the promise of future includes hope...hope that you will bless our efforts to be good stewards of all you have given us. Help me to be a supportive wife, a helper...and help me do it joyfully!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings, New Treasures

I just love treasures. I love the sound of the word and the mystery the word casts in your mind. The twinkle it puts in the eye that there is something of value and worth of discovery. I came across the most beautiful scripture in Exodus 19:5 where God says "you will be my own special treasure" if you obey my voice and keep my covenant.
It's a New Year with New Beginnings, and New Treassures to be Discovered. My prayer is for His word to glow with a brilliant relevance to my life. May my heart be captured and stirred by His love story to me. I come before Him with expectations of His voice setting my heart ablaze. I want to be on a treasure hunt to satisfy my soul and to see and savor more of Christ, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord (psalm 27:4)