Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter 2011

We are having so much fun preparing for Easter 2011!
So far we have....
Made Footprint ducklings

Used markers to color the tomb and cross of Jesus

We ate an Easter Lamb donut for breakfast
Watched our Easter DVD (over and over...its her new fav!!)

We went on a scavenger hunt through the house to find clues to fill in our Easter Story. The simple story I used is below. I gave Kaitlyn and Daddy pictures (clues)  to fill in the blanks of the story. It was so fun and I was so proud of how well Kaitlyn did!!
One night Jesus had _____with his friends
After supper, Jesus took his friends to a garden to _____, but they fell asleep
Suddenly, ______ came to take Jesus away
The soldiers put Jesus on a _____to die
Jesus’ friends buried him in a ____ and rolled a great stone across the doorway
But when they came back, the stone was rolled away and Jesus was

 And lastly, we played with our reserruction eggs. 
These are so great and we found our's at Mardells'
Praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!!!
Looking forward to more fun this week hunting eggs and making bunny cupcakes! 
And most of all, making our resurrection rolls Sunday morning that Aunt Jane told us about!!! You should check these out!! What a fun way to teach your little one He is Alive!!!!

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