You have heard me talk about E-Teen CBS (Community Bible Study) I serve at for 7th & 8th graders here and here.
We had another Retreat event this Friday and I had so much fun!
I had the opportunity to give another talk and God really laid on my heart how that sometimes we get so caught up with our outward appearance, when really all HE sees is our heart. I used the illustration of a can of chocolate fudge icing and a can of dog food. If we change the appearance (the label) of the dog food can to chocolate fudge icing (yuck) it doesn't change the fact that the inside is still dog food. The inside is still the same. In "thier" language, we can buy a new Northface, say the right things so all the cool kids will like us, do all sorts of things to impress others....but what we should really be concerned about is if God is impressed with what is in our hearts.
God is looking for those whose eyes are fixed on him and whose heart is completely His. So my challenge to them was to examine their heart and remember that it’s the inside that matters most to God.
1st Samuel 16:7 says
"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
love it! those girls are so blessed to have you in their lives. thank you for speaking the truth into young peoples lives :) how much fun - sad I couldn't be there this year :( ps-had no idea chris played the guitar??
ReplyDeleteI went tonight and I absoulutley loved it!! I cant wait to start coming next year! It sounds really fun! I went tonight for the "Welcome the 6th Graders!"