Saturday, January 14, 2012

Celebrating You...

I am captivated by "The Resolution for Women" by Priscilla Shirer. Have you read this book?

I read chapter 1 a total of 4 times before I could move on to chapter 2. It rocked my world!!

What a great read in the wake of new beginnings. Here's to celebrating You! The You He has set apart, the You He chose. (Jeremiah 1:5)

"Rather than seeking to impress and outperform others, and rather than feeling ashamed by what you don't have and can't do, relish the opportunity to stand as a living, walking, eating, breathing example of what God's grace can do with a woman He has set apart, weaknesses and all, to be a sacred vessel in His service. You are a purposeful place setting. A worthy masterpiece worth celebrating"

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