Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
My big 3 year old!!
Happy Birthday Jackson!
You make our family complete and fill our house with lots of smiles!
You are super affectionate to mommy.
You hold my hand, rub my back, give me lots of kisses and tell me you love me several times a day.
I love the way you love your "sis-der".
You are not so sure about her time away from you at school and ask several times a day if we can go pick her up.
You are not so sure about her time away from you at school and ask several times a day if we can go pick her up.
You are all boy!
You love trucks, cars, trains, and superheroes!
You and your daddy have lots of fun wrestling, building legos, and playing trains.
You love trucks, cars, trains, and superheroes!
You and your daddy have lots of fun wrestling, building legos, and playing trains.
We had so much fun celebrating you my little man!!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I can hardly believe it! December is almost over!
This month our Elf, Christopher Popinkins came to visit and remind us what the Christmas season is really about.
My favorite days with our elf were making blessing bags to hand out to those in need.....
And filing Santa sacks of toys and clothes to donate.
We rode a hayride with friends and family to look at Christmas lights
Kaitlyn made cookies with Grammy and the girls
I helped organize our Angel Tree program at Kaitlyn's school and we had lots of fun buying for our little angel, a 10 year old girl with 6 siblings.
We traveled to Lubbock with friends and rode the Polar Express!
And we celebrated the season with lots of parties!
Next up the greatest gift of all!! Jesus' birthday!!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Our Elf teaches us about Jesus!
He's back!!!
That's right, our elf, Christopher Popinkins has returned.
We love the take we have taken on the popular "Elf on the Shelf" for our Elf to point us to the true meaning and gift God gave us at Christmas.
You may remember some of our Elf's shenanigans last year and how they all pointed to Jesus, or giving, or scripture here and here
Well, this year is no different and in the few days and we have found our Elf:
Making a Happy Birthday Jesus Puzzle
Reminding us to Let our Light Shine before our friends
Looking at a manger scene
And reminding us to give to those in need.
Christopher Popinkins left us all sort of things to make bags for the people Kaitlyn sees on the streets holding signs that say the need help.
We packed snacks, socks, toiletries, flashlights and lots more to give to those in need.
We can't wait to see what our Elf has in store next! We love making this month meaningful and pointing this "season" all to the "reason" we celebrate....the babe wrapped in cloth, laying in the manger.. the Savior of the world and of our hearts!!! Praying you take time with your little ones to adore Him!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thankful for November
A few things we are thankful for this month:
Kaitlyn received the Knight Award at school for being an outstanding student.
She got a certificate and a special lunch in her honor.
We are so proud of Kaitlyn's attitude and hard work at school.
I had a wonderful time in Colorado training 4 new After School Kids Community Bible Study classes!
We spent a beautiful afternoon at Fiddlesticks Farm with our neighbors.
We had fun making turkey snacks for Kaitlyn's friends at school
We celebrated Thanksgiving with our family
We delivered meals and smiles Thanksgiving morning to some people with Meals on Wheels
And!! We celebrated a beautiful 6 year old!
Thank you, sweet Jesus for your many blessings on me and my family!