We are on the countdown to Kinder and Little Miss memorizing 26 scriptures..
One scripture for every letter of the alphabet.
We had an amazing!!! opportunity to review our Letter S scripture, "serve one another with love"
K's bestie Marisa invited us to join her church's Serve Camp.
K's bestie Marisa invited us to join her church's Serve Camp.
One day they sang to residents of Morning Glory & Manor Park assisted living facilities. The next day the girls picked up trash for Keep Midland Beautiful, and the last day they had a lemonade stand and used the proceeds to buy school supplies for those that can not afford them.
Onto Letter T. After making our Turtle craft
we learned to "Trust in the Lord with all our heart"
Letter U surprised us with a week to use our Umbrella!!
Have I mentioned on my blog how much we like "The Rizers"?
We had a whole week of raining days and after making a craft
We learned that God is our safety place when storms of life come.
Our letter V verse taught us that apart from God, we can't bear fruit and be all God wants us to be.
We will finish up our next few weeks with 4 more letters and Little Miss will have hidden 26 sweet scriptures in her heart before Kindergarten.
Be still my heart, to have my little ones know Your truth Lord, it is the desire of my heart!
Be still my heart, to have my little ones know Your truth Lord, it is the desire of my heart!
love love love love!