Friday, May 24, 2013

Grateful that God provides..

"many can say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?" Proverbs 20:6

Just feeling extremely thankful for you....

For you my sweet neighbor that has brought my family such joy. That has brought my hubbie a new friend, my son a new buddy, and me someone that literally drips with sweetness..some is bound to rub off on me. Thank you for giving us nights of fun and food and fellowship. For being so caring and compassionate. For sitting with us at church and making us just feel so loved.

Thank you sweet friend that loves me. That shows me what it is like to be a Godly wife and mom. That is in the next stage of life than me and delights in showing me the ropes and living your life on display for me to see and mimic. How I have loved spending Saturdays on the soccer field with you and that our daughters are best friends. Thank you....that in the everyday moments you have made me a better mom, wife, and friend.

Thank you person. You are my person. The person I look for in a crowd, the person that makes me feel safe and loved. You will forever be known as "my person". You've been there since before my KK and what a joyous occasion to have her throw flowers down the aisle at your special day. You invest in my life, in my kids, in my life...and I love it. I love that my kids know your name and that you are remember all the little details of their lives.

Thank you sweet friend that has enlarged my vision of the gospel and church. That your two little ones have been such an instrumental part in teaching my KK about the world, hurt, joy, adoption, and redemption. How she gets it...children are born or are not given the chance to have mommies or daddies...but that God in the only way He can restores, repairs, redeems and mends broken hearts. Thank you that you you feel so comfortable-that you will hear all my struggles and sins and just love. That you challenge me to be a world changer. That we walk and breathe this walk with our Lord..that you have opened my eyes to what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Thank you sweet prayer warrior. That calls at just the right moment with words of encouragement and speaks truth in my life. How did you know I was falling apart at work thinking about the months ahead and sending my KK to kindergarten. The minute I saw your name across my phone my eyes swelled knowing you were a heaven sent word. Thank you that you tell me hard things too...not just things that are sweet to my soul. That you push me to be a better me. That you challenge me and refine my soul. You have laid out a pattern of motherhood I want to follow. You are not afraid to tell me your struggles and let me ask ANYTHING and you always guide me back to His truth.

Thank you sweet friend..much younger than me but oh so wise. You inspire me. You are somehow always loving and building me up...yet it is you I admire. Thank you for sharing your sweet mustard seed with me this year, how that sweet boy has blessed me. You are the most patient mom---how do you do it!?!! Thank you for building me up and sharing all he has soaked in at ASK- it has blessed my soul. You are the fragrant aroma of Christ and I can't imagine life without you!!

Thank you best friend. Though miles have taken its toil, when we are together it just feels good. I love that our hubbies share Proverbs together and that amongst football and Aggies they share life and and hold each other accountable. I love that you know know know our heart and you share our vision. I love that we think of you as family and that we share meals and trips and holidays...and pregnancy's together. That we have more inside jokes that make me laugh out loud. That although we don't see each other everyday, you are the first person I would call to share news with. 

Thank you sweet friend that surprised me. You just snuck up on me and became the most amazing confidant and friend. You were the very first person that knew I was pregnant w/ my little man....because you have just been walking and living life with me. I love that our hubbies "get" each other and that you have become my standing lunch date for the last year. I love that my daughter thinks your are Barbie...and looks up to you as she would a beautiful princess. I can't think of a more beautiful role model. You have just become my most favorite person. I love and thank God for you sweet friend!

Where would I be without you sweet friend? You pick my KK up from school every Tuesday to lighten my load. You say it helps you...but I know your heart and that you would do anything for you friends. How you have just lifted some stress from me..not having to juggle work and picking up my baby girl on time. Juggling work and mom time has been a's been quite the act to keep all of the balls in the air and you just stepped in to make life so easy.

Just wanted to put pen to paper from my heart of gratitude.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
 Proverbs 11:14

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