Monday, December 17, 2012

Caution: A heart exposed...

It was with tears streaming down my face today that I had a sit down with my Lord and asked. " Is it worth it?"

Yes at times I feel very overwhelmed, yes at times my family may feel the affects of a passionate mama's heart.

But there's a part of me that wants to tune out others input to "slow down" and interjections to tell me I am too busy when God has pressed into my heart because...


You can't tell me K memorizing a scriptures for every letter she learns is not worth it, you cant tell me delivering $ to someone in need does not minister to both the giver & recipient, that ministering to my mustard seeds is not planting a seed of truth in their heart, that welcoming newcomers to our church with a "Sommer" smile is not making their hearts more receptive to try this new "Jesus" thing.

Honestly-what I can stop & think I'm giving up to try to "do it all" does not appeal to me. A free Saturday for a manicure, a night to sit and soak up the tube, a day to "myself". Those are all its time, but I prayed a long time ago -"Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours" and " take my life and let it be all for You and for Your glory".

So until you change my heart Lord, guard it so that all I hear is your cheer & encouragement that I all I am doing is pressing more into You. This is my life's prize.

So it's with hands high and heart abandoned I choose to live each day with purpose. Your purpose Lord...remind this fragile heart today that its worth it...


  1. Wow! I think you are one awesome momma! I hope and pray I could be more like you!

  2. Love, love! So true and so you! Love u friend
