Wednesday, December 12, 2012

ASK National Director...God is doing big things!

It has been such an absolute blessing serving at ASK (After School Kids) Community Bible Study these past two years.  Community bible study has been such a vital part of my relationship with the Lord. Loving on my 3, 4 and 5 year old Mustard Seeds has brought my heart such joy!

My life in Community Bible Study  began my sophomore year of high school when I first began going to the Teen CBS class as a student. Little did I know that my life would drastically change in the coming year and how much I would need to lean on the truths I had hidden in my heart.

On February 23, 1999 as a junior in high school I attended my usual Tuesday night Teen CBS group. When I returned home that evening, I learned that my dad and two brothers car was hit by a drunk driver. My dad and oldest brother Zack were killed and Shane had suffered brain injuries. I am not sure how I would have gotten through such a traumatic event had it not been for my CBS family and Gods faithfulness.

In 2000, CBS continued to pour truth into my life when after graduating high school I attended the first ever Capstone CBS for 18-30 year olds.

I moved to Aggieland in 2002 to be closer to my boyfriend. In 2004 after becoming Chris' bride we moved back to Midland.  I knew I had to get involved in CBS and I served as an ETeen CBS (junior high) core leader for 3 years loving on 7th and 8th grade girls.

When the munchkins (K&J) came along, my heart yearned to teach them His word and ASK was the perfect fit for our family!

And so now here we are 2012!
God has stretched me BIG time at ASK. In November I had the opportunity to go to National training in Colorado. About a year ago my mentor and friend Janice asked me to pray about taking over her position as ASK Branch director on the National Student CBS team.

And.... it's official! I'm on on the National Student team and will be shepherding all of the ASK classes in the US. Community Bible Study has been such a blessing to me and if you want to learn more about Student CBS or look up a class in you area visit


  1. Sommer!!!! AMAZING!!!! I had never heard of CBS or ETeen until I met Wynne! And I have lived here all my life!!! I have never been apart until Parker started going to ASK at Stonegate! We LOVE it!!!! This is so exciting!

  2. so proud of you & love reading this story (even though I've watched so much of it happen) and so blessed WE became close that first year we lived here through eteen. you encourage me in so many ways friend love you!
