Friday, August 3, 2012

Girls Summer Bible Study

My sweet girlfriends and I are at it again! 
I love love love love love and look forward to our summer girls studies!
I actually took on 2 studies this year! 
The first with my sweet community group girls and the book Not a Fan.
 This has been such a challenging read and boy has it stretched my faith!
When Jesus says "Come after" He is describing a passionate pursuit of someone you love.....but all too often our relationship with Him looks more like an enthusiastic admirer.
It was with tears running down my face I read the authors words of what it means to die to deny myself...and follow Him. This book exposed so many "fan" traits I have. It made me question am I a fan of Christ or a follower?
To follow Jesus means I choose Jesus...I choose Jesus over my family, my money, my goals, my desire to be liked, my desire to be comfortable, the desire to be happy.Whew!! Great book!!!

My second study was with my dear After School Kids CBS servants team. My dear friend Leslee led us through a book title Sacred Influence by Gary Thomas. 
 The cover of this book says "How God uses wives to shape the souls of their husbands". This book was so awesome to do with this particular group of girls. These girls are MIGHTY women of God and I love that they are 5 or so years older than me and in the very next stage of life. I literally soaked up every word of advice they gave! This group has been such an answer to prayer and I only pray that I can be this kind of mentor to someone one day! 
The book was a great reminder that our commitment to marriage is a direct reflection of our love for the Lord. In Ephesians 5:21, God's word instructs us to "submit to one another out of reverence for Christ"
Some ideas I loved from this book are...
Ask God for a fresh set of eyes, 
Try to tire God out by thanking Him for your husband, 
Affirm your husband's strengths, 
Be the Prov 31:27 that "watches over the affairs of her household" as the enemy lies and waits for the opportunity to steal and tempt. 
Great read! I can't wait to read this author's other book titled Sacred Marriage. 

Super sad to see my studies come to an end...and this summer! I can't believe we are into August and school and fall are just around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. Sacred Marriage is great!! Love it! I may suggest Sacred Influence to my girls small group. Gary Thomas is also a pastor at our church and his sermons are so wonderful! I love our preacher, but when Gary guest speaks it is such a treat!!!
