Friday, September 30, 2011

Little Feet

"There is no sound quite so sweet as the pitter patter of your little feet"
You are mobile my little man!
You are 9 months old and ready to explore it all!
Mama's heart wonders where will those itty bitty toes take you? Will you tread a new path, scale a mountain...what adventures are in store for you my sweet Jackson?
You are fearless! .
How bravely you let go of my hand and venture to new places on your own. My heart knows there is more of this to come........
with each step you gain more independence. This world is far from perfect and there will always be obstacles in your path. Some that mom won't be able to steer you from.
I pray that you will throw off every encumbrance that so easily entangles, fixing your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith. (Hebrews 12)
No matter where those little feet take you...
one thing is for sure my precious boy...
you have definitely left footprints on this mama heart.
I adore you Jackson Ryan!

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