Sunday, August 7, 2011

Learning the Letter G...Learning to Give

We are learning Letter G this week! 
Our Bible verse for Letter G is Deuteronomy 15:10
 This verse tied in great with all the giving we did last week to kids in Africa.
As we talked about giving to others, Little Miss spotted a lady on the side of the road holding a sign that read homeless. This is not our first encounter with those in need, Kaitlyn seems to spot them a mile a way. 

She said, Mom, did you know that lady doesn't have a mommy, or a brother, or a dog?" 

I jumped right in and told Kaitlyn that her sign said she didn't have a house to live in either and asked Kaitlyn if she thought Jesus would like for us to give to her. 
"Yes!!!" she said. So we changed lanes and stopped right under the loop to give the lady some money. 
Our hearts felt good. 
We sort of had to backtrack to get back on our route to our house and as we turned around to get back on the loop, there was a man just a block down from our homeless lady who was also holding a sign. 

"Look mom!" Kaitlyn said. "Jesus wants us to help that man get a house too"

My heart smiled and I was so grateful for the extra cash I had sitting in my wallet for us to give. 
I am learning to see that opportunities to give to those in need are all around us, if we just look. 

Two year's ago we gave our family and friends a book called "Penny's Christmas Jar Miracle"and a canning jar for Christmas presents. 

 This book is so precious and I thought it would be great for us to make a Give Jar.
We used tissue paper and mod podge to decorate our Give Jar

We are going to fill our Give Jar with change/cash until it is full and then give it away to someone in need.
To learn even more about the Letter G we made a Letter G Giraffe hand print craft
Have I mentioned how much Little Miss LOVES painting!!! 
We are going to try to make it to letter K before Kaitlyn starts back to Mother's Day Out. 
Letter H is up next!

1 comment:

  1. Have a told you lately what a great mom you are?!
