Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Madness,,,

So remember last year when Chris and Kaitlyn had a such a blast picking Final Four teams. Well, they are at it again. Tonight's game determines if Kaitlyn places 1st in Chris' work pool and wins almost $200.00. Chris' friend Jeff actually copied Kaitlyn's bracket and looks to be the winner of his bracket too! We need to take this little one to Vegas!

So onto the MADNESS!! Last year Chris and some friends decided to purchase tickets for the 2011 games in Houston. Games start Saturday and end Monday night. Chris' original plan was to leave Friday night with his friends, but being the AMAZING husband and daddy he is, Chris changed his flight to leave this morning so that he could spend one more night with us. Or.....maybe it was that he was afraid I might go bananas having the kiddos by myself for 4 nights.

Well.....when Chris got to the airport, his flight was canceled and he was 1 of 10 on standby for a booked flight at 11:30. When searched other airlines and nothing could get him to Houston in time for the first game. I even offered to drive him to Lubbock if he didn't make the 11:30 flight.

Luckily, Chris made friends with the one he describes as "the little old lady" at the counter and he made it on. He said he was sure "she saw how his heart sank" when she told him his original flight was canceled.

So..whew!! I thought we were good. And then I get this text from the hubs....

"In Dallas. Got bumped from the flight to Houston. 
Now in a rental car with 2 new friends desperate to get to the final four. 
Could be the beginning of a movie plot"

Lord, please watch over my husband and get him to that game! :)

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