Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Top 5 Must Have's!

There have been a couple of "must-have" items I wanted to share that have made life with Jackson much easier!! 

1. Wubbanub Pacifier-these are pretty darn cute and trust me...they make losing a pacifier very difficult. Plus, Jackson loves to hold onto it. Thank you Allison!!!

2. Bundle Me-I don't know why I didn't have one of these before!! It totally eliminates the need for a blanket getting in and out of the car seat and is so soft and snugly!

3. Socks from the store Noteable in Midland. I don't know what it is about these $10 socks, but they are the only ones I can get to stay on Jackson's little feet. We got them as a gift (thanks again Allison!!) and I have literally washed them 100 times already. I need to go get more pairs!!

4. Zipper Sleepers. Why oh why didn't they think of this before!! I found some footed sleep pajamas at Target that zip instead of button!! You can only imagine that changing 3-4 diapers in the middle of the night is exhausting...add to that fastening 10-12 buttons each time....whew!! I will forever be on the look-out for more sleeper pj's that have zippers! Brilliant!!!

5. Close & Secure Sleeper-This thing has been a dream! It can fit in his bassinet and then eventually go to his crib with him. It even has a little night light for those late night diaper changes & feedings.

And just for fun! I am loving the new Scentys Buddy's. Jackson got one for Christmas and it definilty makes that diaper pail smell go away :) They are pretty darn cute too!

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