Friday, May 7, 2010

Too Many Reads...

I am not exactly sure when it happened, but I recently became a huge fun of reading! It's almost overwhelming, you will see when I tell you how many books I have recently started.

I am reading lots of books to help me be a better mom. A "Titus Woman" in my life, someone that shows me how to be a better mother & wife just recommended Going Public after our lengthily discussion about private vs. public schools. I am only on Chapter 2, but it is great so far.

I am also reading 2 books to help me incorporate scripture in our everyday lives. 
I just picked up Beth Moore's new book
 I am also doing a Beth Moore study with some girlfriends on Monday nights
And lastly, the book that I have read probably 50 times in the last year and continues to be the heartbeat of my home, A Woman After God's Own Heart.  I can not express enough how great this book is!!!!
Well, do you have any suggestions for me once I finish these reads?? 


  1. oh yeah!!! great books sommer. you will love beth moore's book. i need to get "a woman after gods own heart" i've heard you talk about it so much!

    I just started reading "plan B" by pete wilson - it's great & also reading "beautiful offering" by Angela Thomas. both great! and after that I'm starting "having a mary heart in a martha world".

    oh and I just read A million miles for a thousand years by donald miller & I HIGHLY recommend it too!

  2. So the girl who wrote "Parenting with Scripture" goes to my church! How did you find it? I think that's great, I'll tell her it's "out there"! :) I also have the so long insecurity one and haven't gotten very far. Been reading Dobson books on parenting lately. I'm very interested in that going public book, a topic we've been thinking about around here too! :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Sommer,

    I'm stuart Yeager's sister and just happened upon your blog. I'm so glad that Jennifer has a mom like you in her life! I have that Beth Moore's "So Long, Insecurity" on my list to read soon and I am going to look for that "Going Public" book. I am a former teacher and have had the debate with my family about private versus public. Thanks for that info. Also, a book that made a huge impact on my attitude and marriage was Stormie Omartian "How to Pray for your Husband". I'm currently reading "Bringing up Girls" by Dr. James Dobson. It's an eye opener and a great one to read if you have a daughter. Thanks again for the book suggestions! :)
