In reading Luke this week to prepare my heart for the celebration of our Savior's birth, I skipped over to chapter 5 and was reminded of the parable of the paralyzed man. I just began to thank God for sending such wonderful friends in our life.
Sometimes I am that paralyzed man-going through something I can't get through on my own and someone comes along, picks me up, and leads me to Jesus. And then sometimes I am the friend-I am the encourager that lifts others up. What a blessing to have a friend. We talk a lot in our group how that we are more than just a small group...we are a group that "does life" together. Thankful today for the blessing of calling you friend.
As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27: 17
love the post! I am so sad we missed out tonight :( but I too am so thankful for this group of friends we "do life" with, especially you my friend! thanks for leading our group!