Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure: My Supply

Father, I pray that those reading today will understand that my perspective on life and the trials it brings,  is forever changed by where you have brought me from.

Friday night I had the most needed Girls Night Out to celebrate my friend Allison's birthday!! Here is Wynne cutting Alli's cake. Allison is just the cutest thing! She is glowing...and for a reason!! She is finally showing a baby bump and Baby Zachry will be coming to see us in January :)

Girls Night Out started with dinner for 15 at Jorge's followed by a chick flick! The movie theatre is not a place I have seen very much since Baby K arrived. I think this is only my 3rd time to the movies in almost 2 years.

I was like a giddy little girl getting all dressed up for gab time with my girlfriends. Dinner was such a blast! Conversations about baby's and shopping and clothes and husbands...I think we talked it all out.

We headed over to the movies to see Love Happens, the new Jennifer Aniston movie.

I must admit, this was not the fun chick flick movie I had anticipated. It was quite sad actually! I think our whole row sniffled at one point or another. Not to ruin the show for you, but the movie got me to thinking about the what if's of life.

I tend to think of it often and sometimes mentally prepare myself for....what if. What if Chris doesn't come home...it's happen to my family before.....what if something happens and I am left to try to pick up the pieces and live life without him. I know what you are thinking "seriously Sommer...this is a Tuesday Treasure" :)

Well it is, because I know what would happen-God would happen! My treasure lies in the fact that God is the supply of my every need and that He is enough.

Now don't get me wrong. Losing my precious family is the last thing I want; been there and done that. I am not sure I could be this strong when in the midst of losing someone I love. ( I would definitly need to be reminded of this post!!) But can I be honest and tell you that when your world is shaken, you quickly learn Who your true supply is. When somewhere you felt so safe and secure and loved is ripped from your life..when all you held most precious is taken..it is then that God's love for you is most precious.

My quite time this week led me to the story of the woman at the well, a Samaritan woman  who had tried to get her needs met through a string of failed relationships. "With both her life and water bucket empty, she had come to a place of brokenness and in need. But in Christ she found what he called 'living water' (John 4:10) - a supply that wasn’t just for quenching temporary thirst. What He offered her was a drink of soul satisfaction that never quits giving and refreshing." And that my friends is my treasure...a supply that is available to me each morning at sunrise and each evening as I kiss my family good night.

My E-Teen lesson of Daniel led me to the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. What courage and faith! Here are 3 men that took a stand for God and were willing to give up their lives rather than put anyone or anything on the throne of their hearts but the one true God. And their answer when faced with news of a blazing furnace was, "If I perish...well then,  I perish." I have to ask myself if despite all my faith and efforts to live for God, tragedy overtakes me, will I still serve God with all of my heart?

Lord, thank you for reminding me that You are my supply, You are my everything. You are my reward Lord, You are what this life is worth living for. Father, an indescribable tragedy was brought to my life, and yet I am stronger in You because of it. Father I pray for all the broken hearts from the loss of a loved one. Father, I don't know how they make it without You.
Help me to learn that all of You is more than enough for all of me. For every thirst Lord, You satisfy me with Your love. Lord all I have in You, is more than enough.

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