Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure: A Wife Far Above Rubies

Proverbs 18:22 says that "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing."

Proverbs 31:10 says that her worth is "far above rubies."

There is nothing like God's Word to stir within the heart the desire to be a gracious, good wife, virtuous and far above rubies. I want to be a blessing to my husband, but I wonder if the way I speak to my husband "makes his heart glad" (Proverbs 12:25)

Have you ever been around a woman who doesn't respect her husband? Who nags, picks, disagrees, corrects, and battles with him in public? Have you ever wanted to say...hey, cut it out?" Well I was that woman this week and I just hated it. I thought...who is this person??

Proverbs 18:21 says that there is life and death in the power of the tongue. I have the ability to tear down, devour, hurt and weaken my husband..just with my words. And sometimes it’s 1 or 2 words that do the trick! Ouch!

In response, I made myself a couple of promises.

1. I will never speak critically or negatively about my husband to anyone. I am on assignment from God to be his biggest fan and cheerleader in life.

2. In every opportunity, I will bless my husband in public. Chris needs to be number one in my life (after God) and not only does he need to know it, but everyone needs to know it. I want my speech concerning my family to be "seasoned with salt" (Colossians 4:6)

3. My prayer is that I am walking so closely with the Lord that His fragrance permeates all of my life and is refreshing to my husband.

Lord, I want to be a wife who spoils her husband rotten! Help me to choose words wisely and be a source of encouragement and love to my husband. Love on Chris through me! May my lips of praise encourage him to conquer the world!

Monday, September 28, 2009

E-Mealz Update

Just wanted to update you on E-Mealz. A couple of weeks I ago I told you I was taking the plunge. http://sommer-mypreciousfamily.blogspot.com/2009/09/cooking-101uh-oh.html

For $5 bucks a month, I highly recommend it! Every week, you get 5 new recipes AND it even prints out your shopping list!! I love it because it has shaken up the rut I have been in cooking the same dishes over and over. Plus, it helps me only buy what we use. Before, I bought random things at the store without a plan of how I was going to use them.
The recipes are super easy! I actually just made the yummiest dish for lunch!

Creamy Bacon Tortellini 

9oz refrigerated cheese tortellini
6 bacon slices
1/3 c shredded parmesan
1/4 c whipping cream
1 T minced garlic, 1 t dried parsley, 1/8 t pepper

In large saucepan, boil tortellini as pkg directs. Drain and remove from pan. Cook bacon in same pain, reserving 1 1/2 T drippings in pan. Return tortellini, crumble bacon and add remaining ingredients to pan. Toss gently

My hubbie said this dish reminded him of his favorite at Carinos. Now that's a compliment :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last minute, exactly what I needed, getaway

Friday we packed up the Tahoe and took a short drive to "good ole times". Our best friends Jeff and Cori and their two adorable kiddos CheyLee and Brady moved to San Angelo right about this time last year. I just can't type enough to explain what a blessing from God this sweet family has been to our lives.

Sadly, I forgot the camera and didn't get to catch the kids building sand castles while we ate dinner under twinkle lights and a sun set, breakfast and coffee in our pj's, lunch with 2 two year olds at a Mexican restaurant (can you see the rice flying everywhere), the boys with their golf clubs, the kids in their strollers with ice-cream all over...I mean all over their shirts, Cori and I talking about life and all its joys and troubles amidst shoe shopping, dinner for 4 while the kiddos stayed with Cici, waving goodbye to the last minute, exactly what I needed getaway. Love you Stewarts! Miss you sweet friend Cori!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure: My Supply

Father, I pray that those reading today will understand that my perspective on life and the trials it brings,  is forever changed by where you have brought me from.

Friday night I had the most needed Girls Night Out to celebrate my friend Allison's birthday!! Here is Wynne cutting Alli's cake. Allison is just the cutest thing! She is glowing...and for a reason!! She is finally showing a baby bump and Baby Zachry will be coming to see us in January :)

Girls Night Out started with dinner for 15 at Jorge's followed by a chick flick! The movie theatre is not a place I have seen very much since Baby K arrived. I think this is only my 3rd time to the movies in almost 2 years.

I was like a giddy little girl getting all dressed up for gab time with my girlfriends. Dinner was such a blast! Conversations about baby's and shopping and clothes and husbands...I think we talked it all out.

We headed over to the movies to see Love Happens, the new Jennifer Aniston movie.

I must admit, this was not the fun chick flick movie I had anticipated. It was quite sad actually! I think our whole row sniffled at one point or another. Not to ruin the show for you, but the movie got me to thinking about the what if's of life.

I tend to think of it often and sometimes mentally prepare myself for....what if. What if Chris doesn't come home...it's happen to my family before.....what if something happens and I am left to try to pick up the pieces and live life without him. I know what you are thinking "seriously Sommer...this is a Tuesday Treasure" :)

Well it is, because I know what would happen-God would happen! My treasure lies in the fact that God is the supply of my every need and that He is enough.

Now don't get me wrong. Losing my precious family is the last thing I want; been there and done that. I am not sure I could be this strong when in the midst of losing someone I love. ( I would definitly need to be reminded of this post!!) But can I be honest and tell you that when your world is shaken, you quickly learn Who your true supply is. When somewhere you felt so safe and secure and loved is ripped from your life..when all you held most precious is taken..it is then that God's love for you is most precious.

My quite time this week led me to the story of the woman at the well, a Samaritan woman  who had tried to get her needs met through a string of failed relationships. "With both her life and water bucket empty, she had come to a place of brokenness and in need. But in Christ she found what he called 'living water' (John 4:10) - a supply that wasn’t just for quenching temporary thirst. What He offered her was a drink of soul satisfaction that never quits giving and refreshing." And that my friends is my treasure...a supply that is available to me each morning at sunrise and each evening as I kiss my family good night.

My E-Teen lesson of Daniel led me to the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. What courage and faith! Here are 3 men that took a stand for God and were willing to give up their lives rather than put anyone or anything on the throne of their hearts but the one true God. And their answer when faced with news of a blazing furnace was, "If I perish...well then,  I perish." I have to ask myself if despite all my faith and efforts to live for God, tragedy overtakes me, will I still serve God with all of my heart?

Lord, thank you for reminding me that You are my supply, You are my everything. You are my reward Lord, You are what this life is worth living for. Father, an indescribable tragedy was brought to my life, and yet I am stronger in You because of it. Father I pray for all the broken hearts from the loss of a loved one. Father, I don't know how they make it without You.
Help me to learn that all of You is more than enough for all of me. For every thirst Lord, You satisfy me with Your love. Lord all I have in You, is more than enough.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

48 Hour Tea Party

Our friends Victoria and Ellery gave Kaitlyn a new tea set on Friday. It's the cutest toy! It came with 2 cups, a tray of cakes, and a teapot that sings and counts. We had such a blast playing with it Friday afternoon after our lunch with our friends. Well....48 hours later, we are still having tea party's!! Kaitlyn is obsessed!! :)

Saturday we ran into Tuesday Morning and I got Kaitlyn the CUTEST table and chairs. It matches her room perfectly.And thus...the tea party keeps on going. I think Chris and I have held the tea cup up to our mouth and said "Mmmm" about 100 times today!

What fun that my little one invites us to her tea party's. At least Chris doesn't have to get dressed up for the occassion...yet! I can just see him with costume jewely and a big hat on sitting at her table sipping tea one day :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Farwell Shane-We will miss you!!!

My little brother Shane (well, he's not little anymore) embarks on a new journey this weekend! Shane has packed up all his things and will be moving to Dallas to attend Master's Commission, a hands-on discipleship program. http://www.mcin.org/

Shane's program will be at Relevant Church in Dallas http://www.relevantchurch.org/ . I have heard phenomenal things about this church and know that Shane will fit right in.

We are so proud of you Shane-O!! You have been through so much in your life and I could not be more proud of you!

Love you!! Kaitlyn is sure going to miss her Uncle Shane!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cooking 101..Uh-oh!

Okay, if any of you know me to well, you know that I am not that great around the kitchen!

But that is soon going to change :) my friend Leslie http://thefamilyneat.blogspot.com/ has been using E-Mealz http://www.e-mealz.com/.

Not only has she saved on her grocery bill, but she has learned so many cooking techniques. Well....I took the plunge! So bear with me sweetheart, you and Kaitlyn are in for a treat...I hope :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesdays Treasure: Finding the Balance

Genesis 2:18 reminds me that God said "It is not good for the man to be alone." And so he brought me into Chris' life to be a "helper suitable for him." I am on assignment from God-God chose me to love on Chris, to be his biggest fan, his cheerleader in life.

Yet, I have this other person in my life that sometimes I ask God "Really, you are entrusting her to me? She is so precious and does not know you like I do...I am to teach her, she is to follow my example?"

You see, I struggle with finding balance between what needs me attention and what is screaming for my attention. And yes, I mean the sweet, love of my life baby girl. Oh, this is such a tough issue because I want and need both of these relationships to feel my devotion to them, but so many times my relationship with Chris is the one that suffers. A wise woman once told me that you can be both a wife and a mother as long as you remember that you begin and end as a wife. If any of you have mastered how to find this balance, I'd love to hear!!

Lord, help me to be "in the moment" when I spend time with Chris and Kaitlyn. Help me to treasure these gifts you have entrusted to me. (wow, what did I do to deserve them?) Help me to "look carefully how I walk, to live purposefully, making the very most of the time" you have given me Ephesians 5:15-17

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mommy Tip

So far the best thing grandma Harper has taught Kaitlyn is the clean up song. It goes "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.....clean up, clean up, everybody do your share"

I am telling you, my little one makes a mess and she knows she is supposed to clean it up, and even sings the song as she is doing it. Such a joy to hear as she can't quite say her c's so it's more like "lean up, lean up..."

I've got a little clean freak on my hands. Ha! She even likes to swiffer as much as her mommy!! :)

Have a Blessed Sunday!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Power of Encouragement

Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"

Everything I have read and listened to the last couple of days has been targeted at the power of life or death in our words. There is power to bring life and joy into someones life and sometimes a simple word of encouragement can make all the difference.

My friend Victoria and I were discussing how sometimes women have a hard time complimenting or building each other up. Isn't a note of encouragement or praise a breath of fresh air?

In the past couple of weeks I sent out a couple of notes of encouragement and praise to some dear friends, and can I tell you what a blessing it has been to see their reaction! Try it out, and see if "refreshing others" does not in return 'refresh you!"

Provers 11:25 "He who refreshes others, will himself be refreshed!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Grandparents who spoil!

Papa and Grandma Sundet brought Kaitlyn a new toy before our trip to San Diego. My little one goes on and on about horses and we finally got to see a real one at the zoo. Even this weekend on our drive back from Amarillo she kept looking for them out the car window.

She would eat and sleep on this thing if I let her. She even has to get on the horse to read her books. Oh to be a grandparent who spoils little ones! And...who brings all the noisy presents to the parents house Ha!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure:God's Love Story to Me

I am sure by now it is evident the amount of daydreaming and praying that I do about being a woman after God's own heart. Call me "Mrs. Fix It", but I honestly wake up each day in anticipation of what I can learn today to be the wife, daughter, mother, friend that I seek.

Sometimes I am an overachiever and forget that great lives are made up of many "little" disciplines. One little discipline I have been trying to achieve is to study God's word. The treasures of God's word are fathomless (Romans 11:33) and His word helps flesh out the heart attitude that God calls us all to be.

The scripture that has been on my heart the past few weeks is Colossians 3:12-14. (For me, it makes studying and memorizing scriputre so much easier if I personalize it, that is why it might be a little different if you try to look it up word-for-word)

It says that since God chose me for this new life of love, I must clothe myself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. I must make allowance for other’s faults. I must forgive anyone who offends me as I remember that the Lord forgave me-so I must forgive others. And regardless of what else I put on, I must clothe myself with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

I would love to hear what scripture reaches deepest in your heart...what is God speaking to you this week? What treasure have you found in His word...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Friday!

My little one getting so BIG!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday Treasure: Be Still...and Know

We just returned from 5 days of vacation in San Diego. Oh what fun to sit on the beach and feel the wind in my hair, to have my family hand in hand strolling the Boardwalk, to have my quiet time while I hear the waves crash on the banks! Dear Friends, can you tell I'd go back in a minute!

This break away from the day-to-day pace of life could not have come at a better time. It is so nice to get away from the expectations (most that I make for myself) that I need to occupy every minute of my day with something productive.

I think we have all been programed to have our week...our day...even our next hour planned and sometimes we forget that God also has a plan for us. It is because we are so busy trying to be busy that we can't sit still to hear Him. Isn't it just exhausting??

And yet, Psalms 46: 10 says "Be still and know that I am God".

Oh, how refreshing that there is something in my life telling me to stop, take note, to savor, to be quiet. God's word tells us to find rest in Him. I love how the message translates this verse, stop and "take a long loving look" at the Lord.

And that's only part 1. This command comes with a promise; we will know Him as our God. When we are still before Him we are able to recognize that He is the sovereign God of the universe.

We must quiet our soul to hear His gentle whispers...I love you Sommer, oh the plans I have in store for you today...I hope that you will seek me throughout your day....I want to show you all that I have prepared for My glory....I want to be on the throne of your heart today...Sommer, I AM your God.

And yet, so many times there are other things and other voices that take priority in my day and I've missed out...I've missed the opportunity that the Creator of all things had carved out just for me to experience.

I want to share a worship lyric with you. I can't hardly sit sill when they sing this song at my church......my hands immediately reach towards heaven when I imagine soaring over the storms of my life with My Savior and King. I can not think of a more appropriate time to Be Still and know that your God is in control than in the midst of the storms in our lives.

Hide me now, under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand.
When the oceans rise and thunders roar. I will soar with You, above the storm. Father, You are king over the flood, I will be still and know You are God.

Find rest my soul in Christ alone, Know his power, in quietness and trust. When the oceans rise and thunders roar. I will soar with You, above the storm. Father You are king over the flood, I will be still and know You are God.

May we all be encouraged to carve out time to Be Still before the Lord today, basking in the glory of His holiness and splendor.

Want to listen to this song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk8horRi3_E