Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure: A Life With No Regrets

I just finished a life changing book: "One Month to Live " Thirty days to a No-Regrets Life by Kerry & Chris Shook. What a challenging read! The premise of the book is to consider how your perspective would change if you found out that you had 30 days to live.

Just wanted to share a few treasures from my read.

  • We all have the same amount of minutes in the day-there is nothing you can do to increase the length of a day
  • 2 Corinthians 6:1 tells us not to squander one bit of this marvelous life
  • With each tick of the clock, a moment of life is behind you......(chew on this one for a bit). Even as you read this paragraph, seconds passed that you can never regain.
  • If I had 30 days to live, I would be more authentic about who I am and more deliberate about how I spent my time
  • Am I living a legacy that will endure? Would Kaitlyn know who I am as a person by the treasures I have left in others.
  • Psalm 90:12-Teach us to number our days Lord
  • My life's purpose: To know and experience His love, to serve those around me, and to live passionately the life He has made for me
  • "This is your life, are you who you want to be?' -Switchfoot
  • Love this quote- "My children will not remember the words of wisdom I've passed along over the years, nor will yours remember the good advice you've given. However, etched in their minds and planted in their hearts is a permanent picture of who you are and how you've lived before them." - Dorothy Kelley Patterson
  • God has an intricately designed grand plan for my life...but so does Satan (John 10:10) 'the thief comes to steal and destroy
  • When all is said and done relationships are all that matter-not money or our collections of stuff. None of these comfort, or console our cry, or love us. Our investment in people we care about is the only legacy that has the power to endure beyond our lifetime.
  • Ephesians 5:15-17 tells us to make the most of every opportunity for doing good

Lord, my prayer this week is to learn how to unwrap this gift of life. I want to use all that I've been given in pursuit of what matters most-Loving You Lord, and loving other people. Help me to leave those that matter most to me, a personal investment that will linger long after I am gone. Oh, and thank you for sending me an example of how a legacy endures. I sure miss him, miss the moments that I can not share with him, but will never forget that his life's passion was to love You Lord with all of his heart, to love my mom and brothers, and to love daddy's little girl.


  1. ok, need to go get that book , just motivated me to get off my butt and go do something with my babies!

  2. Wow, sure know how to bring the tears. Thanks Sommer, for sharing this with us! What an incredible challenge!
