Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesdays Treasure: Esther

I just completed a 9 week study with the most precious women! Before I even get to what God has spoken to me about during my time spent studying Esther, I have to praise Him for surrounding me with such beautiful sisters in Christ that "spur me one" that "sharpen" my spirit and make me a better...ME! Oh it's "tough be a wo-man" as Beth would say, but it is also the most precious gift....the gift of friendship.

There is something so refreshing about being gathered in the heart of someones home and discussing scripture. This summer, 12 or so girls started an adventure..and I mean Beth Moore took us on an adventure..into the study of Esther. I learned that God's love is not based on beauty or position, though Esther had both of those. His love is not based on performance or abilities. Instead, His love for me is complete today..just as I am. I am the object of His heart.

Esther was a woman, just like me with hopes, dreams, imperfections, and fears. Yet God chose her "for such a time as this" It took me weeks to wrap my head and my heart that I am in the family, in this era of time, in my work, in my circle of friends all for His glory to be displayed in my life. I am here "for such a time as this"...God chose me..and the only explanation is grace. Lord may others examine my life and see that the only possible explanation is you. May they see that because of grace, I am the daughter of a King!

"God rewrote the text of my life when
I opened the book of my heart to His eyes"
Ps. 18:24, The Message

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. i loved what you had to say about your study of the book of Esther! I'm actually in the middle of that same Bible Study right now and loving it!
