“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
― Mother Teresa
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
He is Risen!
Remembering the Cross..
Making Easter Treats
Eating East Treats
Community Group Easter Hunt
School Party
Uncle Shane's Easter Celebration
Easter Lunch and Fun with the Family
My Little Peep's
Celebrating our Risen Savior!
What a glorious Resurrection Weekend celebrating our Savior and King.
Monday, April 2, 2012
With arms high and heart abandoned...
If you knew me growing up as a teenager... or in early Mrs Bledsoe year's.... you would know I love to sing!! If you knew my dad, you would know why songs of praise and worship are my heartbeat. You would know why there are times this "Bapti-Costal" (part Baptist, part Pentecostal) girl can hardly stand in her seat during Sunday worship.
There is one other setting that I love "letting go" and lifting songs of praise to my Sweet Savior. There are times I'm in this setting and I have to stop to control myself. There are times I weep..times I shout....even times I lift my hands in surrender to The One who gave it all!
This setting my surprise you....but it's one I've grown to long for...one that stirs my heart and makes me feel closer to my Savior and King! What does this special place look like?
It's 2 kiddos in a double stroller, it's an iPhone full of praise songs, it's road stretched before me, it's a sunset, it's the thought that my Sweet Savior sings over me. That He has these moments etched in His calendar...that He stops everything to hear my soul cry out; my lips praise; my heart stir.
So thankful that during this season of my life with 2 munchkins He still meets me at the point of my greatest need..that He is still pursuing me....that He loves me more than I can comprehend; ever express; or ever deserve.
That He rejoices over me with singing! (Zephaniah)
There is one other setting that I love "letting go" and lifting songs of praise to my Sweet Savior. There are times I'm in this setting and I have to stop to control myself. There are times I weep..times I shout....even times I lift my hands in surrender to The One who gave it all!
This setting my surprise you....but it's one I've grown to long for...one that stirs my heart and makes me feel closer to my Savior and King! What does this special place look like?
It's 2 kiddos in a double stroller, it's an iPhone full of praise songs, it's road stretched before me, it's a sunset, it's the thought that my Sweet Savior sings over me. That He has these moments etched in His calendar...that He stops everything to hear my soul cry out; my lips praise; my heart stir.
So thankful that during this season of my life with 2 munchkins He still meets me at the point of my greatest need..that He is still pursuing me....that He loves me more than I can comprehend; ever express; or ever deserve.
That He rejoices over me with singing! (Zephaniah)