Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Cupid Day
Valentines Day 2012:
Making love notes for Daddy
School Party
Kaitlyn's Heart Attack Door of all the things mommy loves about her
How fun to set aside an entire day of LOVE and most of all SHOWING love!!
Hope you had a Happy Valentines loving on those precious ones in your life!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
ASK 2012
(I'm very behind on blogging!)
Our second semester of ASK CBS (After School Kids Community Bible Study) is in full swing!
Little Miss is having a ball!
This semester our theme is the Show Love Club.
Our lessons teach us ways Jesus showed loved and how we can show love to others.
It's hard to believe we have already completed 6 lessons!
Our second semester of ASK CBS (After School Kids Community Bible Study) is in full swing!
Little Miss is having a ball!
This semester our theme is the Show Love Club.
Our lessons teach us ways Jesus showed loved and how we can show love to others.
It's hard to believe we have already completed 6 lessons!
In our first couple of lessons we learned about the story of Jesus-born in a manger, Zacchaeus and God commanding us to be "Fishers of Men".
In our lesson "Jesus Love Those Who Trust Him" we read several stories of how God healed people in the Bible that had faith in him. We made GOD CAN's to remind us of all the things God Can Do if we believe and have faith!
In our lesson "What is Love", we learned about the Good Samaritan in Luke 10. My Mustard Seeds made "Good Samaritan boxes" to remind them to help others in need.
In our Lesson "Jesus Loves and Forgives"we learned about sin and how sin separates us from God. We learned about asking for forgiveness and how God wipes our slate clean when we repent. This past week we learned of all the things we can do to spend time with Jesus.
Only 4 more lessons to go with my little Mustard Seeds.
I have 10 little 3-4 year olds this semester!
Only 4 more lessons to go with my little Mustard Seeds.
I have 10 little 3-4 year olds this semester!